i am so tired today...i guess i had too much to drink last night and stayed out a little too late. but i did have a fun night!

i had the most fucked up dreams last night. i dreamt that i was in my apartment and i kept finding all of these frozen cats with mice attached to them. my mission in the dream was to get them all into the bathtub and jon's job was to defrost them and bring them back to life, which he did.

then i walk into my living room and there are platters of food and dips. my father then tells me that the food is out because he was showing the apartment because he wanted to move out and in with his girlfriend. he said that it was weird because all of the women that looked at the place wanted to take him out on dates.

then i woke up...but seriously it was a weird dream because it felt really real.

last night when i got into bed around 3am...i had one cat snuggled on both sides of me...i was so comfy and i think i feel asleep laughing because whenever i stopped petting chico he licked my arm and tickled me!

today i feel girly...i'm wearing a skirt and tights and pretty shoes...i love feeling pretty!

need more coffee!

written at 9:54 a.m.