i am so sleepy today...i wish i could get the caffine in me quicker.

last night was alot of fun. i went out to a couple of places with jon and brendan. brendan is so funny so whenever he hangs out it is non-stop laughing. the only thing i don't like is that he stays too long but what are you going to do.

jon was being very lovey dovey last night. throughout the night he kept telling me how much he loves me and why he loves me and that he wants so spend his life with me. he didn't want me to leave last night...he said he missed me the night before and didn't want to sleep without me for another night.

i had to go home because me dad left for vermont this morning so i wanted to say goodbye. last night at about 4am i wrote my dad a pretty long and meaningful letter letting him know how much i love him and appreciate him taking me and my cats in. i also told him that i still admire and look up to him as i did when i was a little girl. my dad is so cute and funny and although we disagree on most things i can still see that i have alot of his traits...some good some bad. i know how lucky i am to have grown up with a great father...some people are not as lucky. i told him all of this and he thanked me for the card this morning. when he gets back from vt we will spend some quality time together.

today i am half on cloud 9 and half under my covers with my head snuggled into my pillow. shit why did i have to write i want to be there even more! tonight possibly maceo...all depends on if there are tickets left...doing nothing and going to sleep early is looking very attractive as well.

written at 9:56 a.m.