so instead of smoking i am now officially eating like a pig. i am even printing soup recipes off of vegetarian times for later. thank you to my work pal for the piece of gum i am now chomping on. why do i have to have such an oral fixation?

so i am quite irritable and short tempered today...but i am definitly way better than i was this morning.

i am a total ball of emotions. i am super happy and pissed off at the same time. last night i was balling my eyes watching 'dawson's creek'. i mean i don't even really watch that was a sad one though...the dad dies. but i mean balling. i needed tissues. i even had to get up and wash the dishes so i would stop crying. i am insane. i guess it makes for a comical story though.

i feel like i am majorly pmsing but i'm not...not for another 3 weeks. i also keep looking at every single word wondering if it is spelled right...that is a sure sign of pms for me but nope not for another 3 weeks.

oooh i just smiled my pretiest for the photographer that just snapped my picture. two photographers have been here all day from AV Producer magazine. i wonder if i will make the cover...hmmm

i am out of my mind! help.

written at 4:37 p.m.