Friday, Jan. 18, 2002
i figured i would write about how much i loved "amelie". let me just say that i dreamt that i had a few more letters to my name, shorter hair, spoke fluent french, and lived in montmarte.

i don't think i have loved a movie so much since "run lola run".

it also was a nice reminder of the time i spent in france. as a high school graduation gift, my grandparents took me to france with them. it was a very interesting and educational experience. my grandfather is a retired general in the national guard, he lead a tour that spring through normandy for the 50th anniversary of D-day. it was truely amazing to see and experience what i did. most of the time i spent in normandy was dedicated to going to army cemetaries, army and war museaums, and dinner with my grandparent's french friends. after a week of sort of boring events (for a 17 year old) we went to paris. i loved was exactly how i pictured it. paris is such a beautiful city. actually everywhere that i went in france was beautiful...normandy especially. ahh i want to go back. i want to visit the louvre again and notre dame, i want to hold someone's hand while walking along the sein, i want to take another ride on the metro. most of all i want to visit montmartre again and drink cafe au lates while looking extra cute. ahh well a girl can dream and that is exactly what i did last night.

tonight i want nothing more than to stay in with my book and bottle of wine. i am so desperatly in need of clean clothes, so i will hopefully accomplish that.

written at 2:34 p.m.