Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002
i am feeling quite the stylish one today...i am usually not so when i am i feel sassy. last night i couldn't sleep so i straightned my hair. i put a denim headbandy thing in it to match my low cut blue and denim collared new sweater that i got from h&m yesterday. and i put on my new necklace that i got for $3.50 and it hangs low and makes me feel sexy. and last but not undies that make me feel pretty...$2.50 from h&m. i am still basking in the glow from my excellent scores at the dreaded mall yesterday.

ahh but best of all, i returned the perfume to victoria's secret and came out of there a winner! i added $5 to my credit and got a really cool new bag with lotion and bath stuff it it. so no i have a new bag that i love. who would have thought?

so yes i am stylish with my digs today!

later tonight i get to see my friend's band. i am very excited to dance!

oh and i also woke up way before my alarm today...that never happens.

i almost forgot...i am very close to finishing the quilt. i worked on it last night for 4 hours. front and back are completly done. now i just have to sew it together and put the batting in and then tie it down. i am so happy that i actually came through with it! go me! today is a great day!

written at 11:54 a.m.