Tuesday, Mar. 05, 2002
one of my most favorite relatives is in the hospital. we got the call early this morning that he may have had a minor heart attack.

he is my dad's first cousin and is 6 months younger than my father. he is having many tests done today so i will hopefully know more later on today or tomorrow.

tommy is one of the greatest people i know. he is always kind, i have never heard him raise his voice or his temper. he is definitly the funniest man i know, he constantly has me hysterically laughing.

i really hope he will be ok.

i have my healing crystal in my pocket so maybe the vibes will go where they are needed.

today also would have been my dog molly's birthday...i sang happy birthday to her this morning on my way to work. sometimes thinking that she can hear me brings me lots-o-comfort.

i also wanted to say a big thanks to oh-sweet-pea for helping me out...i would have made that a link, but ofcourse i don't know how to do that either! thanks girl!

written at 2:51 p.m.