Wednesday, Mar. 06, 2002
i have been dragging myself around all day today. actually i really haven't moved much from my desk chair. i am feeling so tired and lazy. three hours sleep will do that to you i guess.

yes we once again indulged in free pool night. it is so hard to resist. i may have had a little too much to drink for a tuesday night but what can i say...the bartender likes to give us free drinks too. free pool, free drinks, i wonder if i can find a free apartment...highly doubtful but a girl can dream.

my cousin had quadruple biapass surgery this morning and is in recovery now. the doctors said the surgery went well. i will hopefully go and see him in a couple days.

the asshole molester is now in the hospital as well. last night he tried to kill himself but did not succeed. he has been a recovering alcoholic for 12 years until he drank everything he could get his nasty hands on last night. so the saga continues.

another little twist in this already twisted situation...i had wondered why she had kept this to herself for 10 years and why it was all just coming out now. well it turns out that he gave her whatever she wanted in order for her to keep silent. he gave her money, drugs and alcohol and who knows what else. so fucked up!

my next entry is going to be much more cheerful!

written at 4:31 p.m.