Sunday, Mar. 10, 2002
hot tamale do i need a haircut! i saw two episodes of emeril yesterday so i am feeling a little spicy. bam!

i want to go to an emeril taping...that would be so much fun! but i was wondering if emeril has vegetarian luck he would be make a huge roast of some sort.

anyway back to the haircut, my hair is out of control. if i don't get one tomorrow i think i may freak out!

i have so much to do today and very little motivation. i really just want to go for a long drive. it is so nice out today...very windy but it truely feels like spring. i'd really like to ride my bike but i doubt that will really happen.

my cats is meowing like there's no tomorrow because he wants me to open the door to the bathroom. he is obsessed with the bathtub and sink. i never thought a cat could love the bathroom so much.

this weekend was pretty mellow although both nights went to see friends bands. i have just been feeling very low energy. maybe it's because i am yearning for spring but my body feels achy and i'm having shooting pains in places i didn't even know i had.

i am going to find out about yoga today. i found 2 places, in a town nearby that i like, that offer beginner yoga. i'm really excited to start!

well i'm off to clean, grocery shop at the farmers market, shower and i forgot whatelse already.

wow i live on the 10th floor an i just saw a plastic bag flying past my window...that's how windy it is! bam!

written at 12:29 p.m.