Thursday, Mar. 14, 2002
it's amazing how much my mood has changed since yesterday. i was so down in the dumps yesterday and today it is quite the opposite.

i think ms spring must have heard me shouting her name, so she has made an appearence! tomorrow it is supposed to rain again but i just needed a little taste of what is soon to come. a whole lot of sunshine lifted my spirits enormosly! i feel like skipping!

another added bonus to this beautiful day is that i went OUT for lunch. yes thats right, i actually took a lunch for the first time at this job. after 7 months it was long overdue. and i couldn't have picked a better day to do so.

tonight jon is taking me out to dinner to a very delicious restaurant. they are known for their wine cellar, so this girl will be having many glasses. not to mention we will get free appetiser's and free helps to know the waitress.

today is a great day!

oh yeah, i didn't get laid off...instead paycuts all around. i'm still waiting to hear if mine will be cut or not, but i don't even want to think about it today. nothing will break me down today. nothing.

written at 2:57 p.m.