Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2002
i'm all pumped up...and a little tipsy. i should be trying to go to sleep but i have missed my computer obsession and haven't fed it in oh so long.

i just finished working my second shift training at my new job. i love it so far! tonight was great...i learned alot...and after that, got to taste all of the wines from the wine tasting. so here is my disclaimer: if this does not make sense, it is because i have had many glasses of delicious varieties of wine.

i just got off the phone with my mom. she has been in palm springs with my aunt and uncle for a week. even though i don't see her for weeks at a time, i really missed her. i felt like i had so much to say to her, and since i am a little drunk i did not shut up.

my weekend was tiring. i called out of work today with no guilt whatsoever.

the wedding on saturday was beautiful and alot of fun. i must say that i looked damn good. i want to wear my fancy shmancy dress again very soon. i felt like a princess.

tomorrow back to the grind and my last training shift at the restaurant. i can't wait until i get my own tables! i really like it yes i do!

maybe i should try to sleep...i'll count sheep or something.

written at 1:03 a.m.