Friday, Mar. 29, 2002
so last night a good time was had by all. my mom is quite the hostess with the mostess. she is so cute i just want to squeeze her and twirl her around sometimes.

and the gazelle, don't get me started. very soon i will be purchasing my very own gazelle. summer is just around the corner, and this girl is going to get in shape. i have never been so excited about excersizing...ever!

this weekend i hope to do some reconnecting with my boy. he sent me an email this morning that made my heart melt. we really need some major quality time together. so that is my priority for the next couple of days.

i feel the need to go to a park, any park with a pond, ducks (even though they scare me) and flowers. it is spring and i feel like rejoicing and being creative.

i feel as if something really great is about to happen...i wonder what it could be.

written at 11:18 a.m.