Monday, Apr. 01, 2002
so this is my 100th entry and 2nd for today. diary's are fun. everyone should have one.

anyway i wanted to write about yesterday's adventure.

jon wanted to take me to his favorite place, harriman national park, to go hiking. so i put on my sneaks and off we went up to harriman ny.

he has talked about this place as if it is his second home every since i met him. he wasn't kidding. he knew those trails like the back of his hand. he knew we had to turn left at the lonely pine to get to the moss field. and he knew exactly where to go to get to the bald rocks. i had to laugh because he can't find his way around nyc but had no problem in the woods. i spent alot of time thinking about forest fires yesterday. there really aren't very many trees on this mountain, it is mostly rock, but the trees that are there are either dead or burnt. burnt moss feels funny to walk on.

after we had climbed to the top of the mountain and around some, we realised that the sun was going down. i started to get a little scared that we would get stuck in the dark but he kept telling me not to worry, we wouldn't get lost. i wasn't worried about not finding our way, i was afraid of not being able to see where i was placing each foot.

so on the way back i had to climb up this dead fallen down tree. picture dirty dancing, the tree that they were dancing on, that was me except it was tilted so i had to climb up it. i was so scared because it was high off the ground and since it was dead every footstep made the bark either move or fall off. but i did it, i would have loved to have seen my face though.

after sort of overcoming this fear of heights i was quite proud of myself to say the least. i was following jon as we were sort of rushing down the trail. he jumped over a log so i jumped over the log and bang. ouchie did that hurt. i bumped my knee so hard on that log that i am now limping and stairs are not fun at all. but we made it down with five minutes to spare. we got in the car, drank a whole lot of water, the sun set and it started raining. all before we even started driving. we couldn't have made better time. again it was perfect. a perfect day. a perfect weekend. i wish they could all be like that.

written at 12:47 p.m.