Monday, Apr. 01, 2002
this weekend was heaven sent. life is strange. just when you start thinking the worst, something happens to make it all right again.

last week i told jon that we weren't connecting like we used to. it didn't go over too well but i did get my point across.

this weekend we more than made up for lost time. we had such a wonderful time together.

saturday we went into the city with plans to go to the guggenheim and then an early dinner.

we decided to first walk around the village since it was so beautiful we didn't want to miss out on the sun. we stumbled across a street fair as soon as we parked the car. i hadn't been to a street fair in forever. it was so much fun! it was a true sign that spring is here. we ate corn on the cob with jalepeno butter. sounds weird but it was quite tasty. we checked out what all the street vendors had to offer and then we were on our way.

somewhere along the way jon found a cheap pair of shoes for me. i liked them, they fit, so i bought them. new shoes make me so happy!

later on as i was walking out of a store, coffee cup in hand, i lost my balance and almost completly fell over. instead jon caught me right after my coffee flew everywhere. i was thankful he was the only one who saw. i hurt my ankle but i laughed about it for hours.

very soon after my "spill" we found ourselves scarfing down tibetan food and drinking bad wine. it was great.

after dinner we needed to walk off our full belly's so we went down st. marks and i bought a cool ring.

we then headed back over the bridge to see my friends band play. it was nice, i got to see alot of old friends.

we never did make it to the museum, but our mission of fun was accomplished.

written at 11:37 a.m.