Wednesday, May. 15, 2002
my mom is coming to see the apartment today. last night jon and i were on a cleaning frenzy. the place looks nice now minus the bare walls.

last night we were on a mission to buy frames for a few of my posters. i was so excited. atleast if they didn't get hung up right away they would be one step closer. the only problem was that we were on the wrong highway. i forgot where the store was. so i am going to try to make it there today.

mom's day was postponed again until today. she wants to eat at the restaurant that i work at. it will be weird being waited on by a coworker, but after a cocktail or two i won't care.

today i also have to go back to the dreaded bank. i got a late start yesterday so i never made it to my bank to withdrawl my money. i did go to the new bank though. i wanted to deposit my tax return and all my tips from this past week. i have way to much cash on hand right now. since my licence still has my old address on it and i had no proof of residence with me i couldn't open the account. thats ok though, today i will have more money to deposit.

argh laundry must be done today as well. i wonder when that will happen?

can't i just be a kid again? i should thank my mom for doing my laundry for all those years. i hate that chore the most!

written at 12:13 p.m.