Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002
last night we rearranged our entire apartment. it is much more functional now and maybe a bit feng shui. i must have the feng shui queen over in order to find out.

new girly curtins in the bedroom give the room a romantic feel. ahhh! white lace can do wonders for the grandmotherly being inside of me. ha!

i just finished dying my hair to cover the grays. i must sound so old.

i have just had a few days off and it was so nice. now i have to work a million days in a row.

we went to d.c. again this past weekend for my little cousin's bat mitzvah. jon and i stayed in a beautiful hotel with a king size bed. i could have stayed forever. had a nice visit with my mom and my grandparents. i am happy to be home though in my newly designed apartment. hopefully tonight we will hang more stuff and really start enjoying this place.

arrrg, off to work!

written at 3:34 p.m.