Saturday, Aug. 31, 2002
my cats just hissed at each other and i did not like it one bit. brother and sister chill out and love one another right now. yeah that might help if only they could read.

so today is my first day off since monday and i am just taking it slow. i was going to go to the flea market but it is kind of crappy outside. i figure i can always go next week and much needed sleep and relaxation was much more in need than going to see the much heard about "bag man".

this week i have been strugling with an infection. a uti to be exact. i never knew a simple thing such a peeing could be so painful. i am taking some over the counter stuff to take away the pain but i still must go to the doctor soon to get some antibiotics.

two nights ago i had a crazy fever. i was freezing...shivering in august. i went to sleep with four blankets on me and fully dressed. i wanted a hat and scarf but didn't know where they were. then i woke up in the middle of the night sweating. so i guess that is when it broke. i never get sick and i never have a fever so it was weird.

it is cold and gross out today. i am getting those september butterflies in my stomach. you know that feeling when you were a kid and had to start school again. i have been out of school for what feels like a million years so why am i getting those first day of school jitters? who knows, maybe i'm regressing.

written at 3:33 p.m.