Friday, Feb. 07, 2003
well here i am in my new home in colorado. i love it and couldn't be happier. i still have no furniture and my computer is on the floor so it is a bit uncomfortable but even still pretty damn perfect.

i have been here for almost a week and sometimes i have to pinch myself just to see if this is all a dream. reality has set in though in the last two days. i need to find a job. i have money in the bank but i have spent alot in the last 3 days.

the boy and i have been cuddling every night and this weekend will be wonderful because we can both sleep late. he wakes up at 5 am almost every day for his job. it will be nice to see him relaxed and well rested. i was worried that this would all be weird but it's not. we are taking it one day at a time and as he said "why not do what feels right".

anyway now i am freezing and uncomfortable down in this basement.

colorado i am finally home!

written at 12:26 p.m.