Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003
ahhh another lazy sunday to enjoy. i was awoken with kisses and soft touches. it doesn't get much better than that. except that he is at the grocery picking up eggs and bacon to cook me breakfast.

yesterday was a great day. i woke up and headed up to boulder to hang out with some of my best friends. r and i had a sushi lunch, which made me feel not so good, and we talked and talked about everything. after about an hour we were in a food coma. gotta love those.

after i dropped r off i headed up the canyon to my cousin's house. he had to pick me up at the bottom of his road because my car would have never made it up. i had so much fun playing with his kids and hanging out with my family. i got to read 'the giving tree' and 'the cat in the hat'. i don't know who enjoyed it more 3 year old dahlia or me. it seems that i will be their new baby sitter. ari says that he wants to pay me but how do you take money for watching your cousin's kids. while ari was taking me back to the bottom of the hill, he handed me a huge beautiful bud to take home. it was delicious and tasty. i think i could except nugs for babysitting.

when i got home, the house was in shambles. in a good way though. d and a had scored an awesome turn table and about 200 records. and we now have huge speakers to boot. so the evening was spent spinning lots of good tunes. i'm sure today will be the same. ahhh the good life!

written at 10:23 a.m.