Friday, Feb. 14, 2003
today is valentines day and normally i would not care but this year is different. this year i actually have a valentine who rocks my world and i am truely happy spending every second with.

this morning we woke up before 6am, a few minutes before the alarm, and i think that i woke up because i was getting sweet warm kisses on my back.

i'm not sure what he has planned for tonight but i think it includes dinner out and then bed. maybe something in between. it will be nice to get to spend time with just him. i am hoping that our roomate will stay in for dinner.

yesterday i got him a little present. if today wasn't valentine's day i would have wanted it for myself but i am happy to give it to him. it is a handmade elephant bell. there are four colorful fabric elephants for good luck and a bell at the bottom beleived to ward off any evil. i like it and i think he will too. i also want to give him a crystal or a stone for him to bring to new zealand with him...he leaves in two weeks. i may wait on that though.

it's going to be a great weekend!

written at 10:18 a.m.