Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003
today i started my brand new job. it was a weird day but good. i worked for an entire eleven hours and fifty nine minutes. at least that what the time clock said. it was a long day in a polyester tuxedo but i feel a whole lot better knowing that i have a paycheck coming. i got dirty and sweated alot but i guess now i really have to "work for a living". everyone i work with is really cool too and there are two other new girls so we are in it together.

this place or club or whatever it is, it's really a private "members only" club, is a spooky place. there are at least two entrances to everyroom and atleast two staircases to every floor. needless to say i got lost a few times.

so i got home feeling good about my day. i put in an honest days work. i haven't worked in almost two months so once again it felt good. my roomates went to sleep and i took some nyquil cause i'm still a little sick and i also want to be sleepy. but until then i came here. a few minutes ago i check my email and there is one from dave. i wrote him the other day to just touch base and tell him that i got a job and to tell him about all the snow he missed. i guess i also mentioned that i was sick. so he writes back and it could not be more vague or less personal. it basically said sorry your not feeling well, hope you feel better soon...see you soon!

i know i am looking way too into this but i can't help it and i am a bit stoned...(i just wrote snowed) why do i have to be so attached to him so soon? i keep asking myself that and all i can come up with is that he is such a beautiful person. i have never met a kinder soul. i knew that something like this was going to happen but i just didn't think tonight. i'm a little bummed out and i am very thirsty.

i'm glad i got all that out.

written at 11:38 p.m.