Monday, Apr. 07, 2003
again so much has changed since my last entry. i honestly don't think that i have ever been so happy before.

the night dave came home i ended up getting free tickets to los lobos. i was wicked nervous about seeing him and decided the best thing for me to do was to get drunk and have as much fun as i possibly could. so i did just that. my roomate came down and met me at the bar next to the venue. i cried to him because i was a bit drunk and i told him that i was prepared to be hurt. we went to the show and had a blast. the music was amazing and a good time was had. he drove my car home after the show and we laughed the whole way.

dave was in bed and because i was drunk i walked into his room, sat on the floor and welcomed him home. he was awake and i told him how nervous i was to see him. i ended up sleeping in his bed and just cuddling with him. since then, the past week and a half have been amazing. we are totally honest with each other and have talked about everything. neither of us are scared anymore about our feelings. he told me the other night that he is madly in love with me. we actually talk about our future now and it couldn't be more wonderful. he now sleeps in my room every night.

we are going to go out to dinner one night this week. we have never been on "a date". i am pretty excited about it.

written at 1:08 p.m.